What Does A Building Foundation Inspection Process Entail?

Foundation problems make most homeowners in Tasmania anxious and put them in the mind of expensive repair work and the like. Nevertheless, you should be glad to know that a lot of foundation inspections and renovations are not as costly as you’d anticipate.

On the other hand, a poorly planned or developed foundation is a possible cause of issues that can make the overall structural integrity of a building vulnerable. A premium building inspection company in Tasmania will be able to detect these issues. They will send a professional foundation inspector to check the strength and stability of the foundation. It is their responsibility to educate prospective homeowners on the exact conditions of the foundation, recommended solutions and safety considerations.

Let’s see what a foundation inspection involves.

Cracks and Foundation Movement

The inspector will check certain areas of the building to look for signs that indicate movement of the structure’s foundation or even whether it has begun to disintegrate or has shifted slightly. Indications of these issues involve cracks in ceilings, exterior masonry cracks, cracks above windows/doors or wallboards,  mouldings that have come apart from doors and walls, floor tiles that have warped or shifted and so on. By examining the issues a professional inspector will be able to inform you whether the signs pose a threat to the foundation or not.

Foundation Structure

When examining the condition of the foundation of a building, the expert will check the footers of the foundation to ascertain whether the walls are at the centre of the footing, that they are at the right depth and that they project at the ideal distance from the foundation walls. While checking the foundation walls the inspector will need to make sure that good quality materials have been used in its construction and that the walls are the appropriate thickness in relation to the soil conditions it’s built on.  


An inspector will check to see if there is sufficient ventilation in the foundation walls, and will also check the spacing, type and number of vents used. Your prospective home may face rot in the crawlspace because of moist air. An inspector from a premium building inspection company in Tasmania will check the crawlspace to see whether it is excessively damp, or has mildew on the structure to walls; they will recommend more ventilation to pre-empt any foundational damage.


The expert will further check the waterproofing work done for the building’s foundation.  Usually bituminous waterproofing material, cement or even waterproofing membrane are included in parts where there is a high threat of water permeation. Additionally, he/she will also check for signs of water damage or any proof that the waterproofing work previously done for the foundation has not been up to the mark.

After finishing the process, the foundation inspector will discuss with you regarding their findings and offer recommendations in terms of the various areas where foundation piers would need to be positioned.

So, are you ready to contact a premium building inspection company in Tasmania?


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